Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Horoscope FREAK!! >.<


So, here is Aries 2013 Overview;

Dear Aries,

2013 amps up the themes of finance, sexuality, debt and change as Saturn prepares to overhaul this house of your horoscope until 2015. The good news is that you shall no longer feel all of the stress and strain (or dry spell) around relationships as you have since late 2009. The door is wide open to meet someone new or totally transform an existing relationship. The key words are depth, passion and intensity. Are you ready to get more intimate with your self and others than ever? If you've ever considered some kind of depth process like psychoanalysis, this is the year to plummet your own unfathomable depths, Aries. 

You have probably only scratched the tip of the iceberg when it comes to unleashing your true powers, resourcefulness and regenerative powers. Have you secretly wondered what you are truly made of at your core of cores? Get ready to find out. This is also an excellent time to pay off any debt: both emotionally and financially.

Uranus continues to energize your stars and promote the rebellious side of your nature. You refuse to dance to anyone's beat but your very own. Last year's challenging cardinal climax brought considerable tension to your life -- especially around career, and some of the fall-out from any of that wreckage is still being integrated and renovated into the new and improved version of home and career possibility. The brave and risky moves you took in 2012 can take deeper root this year as you pour your passion and perserverance into making your dreams a powerhouse of a reality. 

By mid-year, you'll have the power of Jupiter working to expand your life from the ground up. You may be looking for a bigger home or just ready to take your life to a new level. No more playing small and safe. Get ready to experience your true potential for fame and fortune, Aries. There is a reason the Sun shines most brightly in your stars.

The eclipse patterns for 2013 will greatly impact the financial houses of your horoscope. You are learning powerful lessons in the money department as you develop greater resourcefulness and business savvy. You will never again question your true value nor will you accept anything less than what you know you are worth. This is a time to up the ante and rake in the level of compensation you deserve. You are also more willing and able to get grounded in the reality of your bank balance and strategically devise better ways to remove debt and improve your sense of security for long-term stability.

0 wht's on ur mind??: