Friday, October 26, 2012



as a human, sombong is a very dangerous word....

sombong brings conceit, might as well mean it...and brings a whole ego, underestimate others, and self-center.

sombong brings a person who tries nowhere...

sombong never help a person to get what they wanted...

sombong will only bring a person down, bring a person to the deepest dark of one heart...

sombong can kill love, faith, hope, and dream....

sombong will never create success as well as drag it away...

a person with sombong is so far from God, mad at God and even blame Him for all hardship, even judge Him...

sombong in student life will only bring doom and disaster...sombong will always create a stubborn student, a conceit one, and never thankful one...

sombong will bring lose as one just never ask when donno, never listen and never is only in oneself but never in others...never believe what people said unless to be seen with one's own eyes...

that is how much sombong is scary...that is how much a person with sombong will experience...

0 wht's on ur mind??: