Thursday, October 04, 2012


my idea before... 
RESPECT will be given to those with high education achiever, 
good grades, pretty face n body, and good status of income...
but the whole idea is wrong...very much indeed wrong...

i misunderstand a very wrong way!

RESPECT will be given to those with good personality, good heart n good attitude...
that is why they say, it needs to be earned...
because you need to be a good person before you can get respect...

RESPECT shall not get by fear, by strength of words and by mean...
a true personality that hidden in every person is of course a very beautiful one n also a very dark one...
both shall be taken out to practice...
both shall be shown to the world...
but both with organize n smart shown only will be respect...

RESPECT is a hard word to earn...
a very hard word to earn and it will always come with TRUST...

once TRUST is burned out... RESPECT gone...

one shall gain TRUST to be RESPECT....
a TRUST can be gain by good deed yet not hypocrite...but a good, healthy self restrain...
self discipline, self mature and self maintenance toward personality...
be a good one...
shall create...
create a good one...
fight the bad one...
shall let people know the bad one...but shall practice the good one...
should choose...

''She is lazy'' people say...
''But, today she manages to do it all'' people say...

That is gain RESPECT...
people know who you are...but still u fight to be a better person...
one shall fight for it!
fight for it!
only then RESPECT will be earned...
and even will be given...

0 wht's on ur mind??: