Saturday, December 12, 2015

I dont know what happen to me this sem

I dont know what happen to me this sem...
I see people get better and better but me?
Worsen and worsennn
My God...i see those who asking me question before are teaching me and those who has no clues are presenting...
Not that i dont know...that people cant be not know forever and people change...its good for glad...but here im telling bout myself...i get worse and timeline screwed like hell and now here i am 1 week from exam and havent done any thing good for it...God...what happen to me? Why am i being like this?
Why am i so lazy and dont wanna try?
Have i been thinking tht im smart already? Thts why i dont try much? What a jerk thinking thr way sumy...
My God...when am i gonna wake up from this scary lifestyle and dream?
God...i think im too proud...too proud to try harder...please God...please...

0 wht's on ur mind??: