final is coming...but my head never think about it..
all i think is what to pack, when, and how to post all those things back to Kelantan;P
i'm in no mood to be serious about study now...haiyyaaa (i'm going to regret this!)
but yes...all i know now is that i wanna go back as fast as i could...
go back and spend time at home like jobless man....and plan what to do from day to's going to be fun^^
and blood is always denser than water....i think i can't buried my love for guitar forever just because HE loves playing guitar....i think i wanna start playing one...huhuww at last...
i try to distract my self from it by playing drum...but still...acoustic guitar is still the best...
need money to do that....
i keep thinking with the money i have...
i want iPhone, plus guitar n lots more things to buy;p
maybe my mum can support a bit...muahaha;p
so, even here...
the title is final...
i still talking about going back and plan after worth right??
haha see what i mean??
ok2...for this final...
i have to go through;
EPT1301 - 12/3
VPK2102 - 13/3
SHW2600 - 15/3
PRT2401 - 20/3
VPM2600 - 21/3
WHOAA... it's tough when they take 'neighbors' for the date..haiyyaaa...
(most famous words i use even since) haha
so now that i have to get my head back to 'works' and start study.....
0 wht's on ur mind??:
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