Saturday, December 06, 2014

till when u gonna be a loser?

till when u gonna be a loser sumy?

control your mind!

don't make every day goes by so hard by searching for reasons to not be happy!

and just make yourself study please!

that's your purpose of being here...not trolling around, having heavy feelings, care, feeling bad or what so ever time consuming useless things!


get back to your sense!

why are u so lost?!

it's that hard to study?

don't you want this? 

don't you love this?


no, nothing to blame know...environment never affecting any of you study behaviour before, why now?
why care?
why bother?
why put other's mood on yourself?

there is time you need to wake up and be happy on your own...
people have their up and down time...
and you can't be responsible for every down or up of them...

and you?

yeah, when u have your up and down, do you think people even care?

you are always 'fly alone', lone ranger or what ever they call it right?

so why bother attaching?


stop feels too much, stop cares too much!


do your stupid studying and get there!

pass the exams!

0 wht's on ur mind??: