Friday, July 11, 2014

it's eating me up~

i'm so selfish back then...
i wanted to be alone....
so i said "ok, let's just get my ass into any busiest job on earth,
because i don't want to be in any relationship anyway,
and i like to be alone...."


now it strikes me hard....i barely have time to take care of my mother...
i'm the only child...and here i far away and can't even help her with least...

and i'm so far away from my old hard to keep in touch because whatever topic they're talking,
i have no idea it existed

glad glad glad huh? to get this sumy?
yeah, you should be...
because whatever u left behind are too much for u to regret getting what it is now...

ama...miss you
friends...i'm so sorry...
God...thank you~

0 wht's on ur mind??: