there are many types of students on earth....
you can choose one to be....
let's take few examples...
1) Students of Values
this a student who studies, seeking for knowledge, try to apply and help others around...
like Patch Adam said "I find myself get what i want faster when i help others getting what they want"
This kind of student is selfless, helping and share....
This is the hardest kind to find....
2) Students of Seeking, and Determine
this type is determine and never let their goals slip their hands...
this type is most intelligence of all, but might be less of values...they tend to not share, tend to not helping other people because they think winning is only for one person, only one person can go to the final line...they urge for credits and fame...they love winning, competition and might not really like you if you do better...
3) Students of Procrastinating and Leisure
this kind, tend to sigh, regret and procrastinate.....they procrastinate due to the procrastination itself...
this kind tend to be lazy, proud and lack of motivation...
this kind might search for advises but tend to ignore it...
this kind is the hardest to deal....they learn like a full glass and tend to not listen...
no matter what type, no one is sticking to one type might be phases....
Ghandi said 'Too sure of one's own wise is never a good thing"
so no matter who we are...let's be humble, helping people and try to be better....
too selfish, too selfless is never a good thing...
"Let's walk in the middle road" -Buddha-
0 wht's on ur mind??:
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